
Service design - Waste cooking oil collecting system designed for Service Design Hackathon by Appcent

Duration: 2 Days during challenge - Updated after jury feedback

Year: 2022

Teammates: Ekin Erden, Celil Koyuncuoğlu

My role: User research, Ideation, UX & service design

Awards: 1st prize in Appcent Hackathon

The service design hackathon focused on the theme of 'Sustainable Waste Management,' challenging participants to create a service around this topic. Through extensive research into different waste types, we discovered that waste cooking oil is a significant issue in Türkiye, yet it tends to receive less attention than other waste categories. 

Identified Waste: Waste Cooking Oil


Interview Questions

We conducted interviews to understand how people store and dispose of waste oil. 

How you dispose waste oil? 

Here are some responses to the interview questions: 

Outcome: Through our interviews, we discovered that individuals struggle with disposing of waste oil, often releasing it into the environment through various means. The majority indicated that they typically collect the oil in bottles before discarding it.

User Personas

What do competitors have? 

Competitor Analysis 

Even though we didn’t find a direct competitor in the Türkiye market, there are similar services for managing other types of waste. To understand and compare what similar applications offer in terms of functionality and content, and how they differentiate themselves, we conducted a competitor and benchmark analysis. 

Benchmark Analysis 

What other services exist? 


Existing projects have shown a clear demand for waste oil collection, but convenient disposal methods remain lacking, and many citizens are unaware of the available solutions. 

Problem Statement 

After conducting interviews and thoroughly researching existing services and solutions, we were able to clearly define the problem at hand. This process helped us understand the key challenges and gaps that need to be addressed. 

  Who is experiencing the problem? 

  What is the problem they experience? 

  Why is it important to solve? 

  When do they experience the problem? 

HMW Solve User Problems? 

After identifying the problems, we used the “How Might We” method to explore ideas that can help us solve users pain points. 

Aim of the Project 

Service Touchpoints 

Service Blueprint Map 

User Flow

High Fidelity Wireframes

Colors and Typography


You can check the Jury Presentations from this Link